Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Homeland Security's Research Facility

Huffington Post

Although a research facility sounds like an amazing idea, why is it that Homeland Security would be the people in charge of it? This article confused me. I think that if the DHS is pushing so much to have the facility somewhere, and there are people that have the power to put it somewhere better, they should put it in a better place. I think that when you look at all the things that have gone bad with Homeland Security, how can you trust them to be studying these things? I mean, aren't these the people with the wait until something goes wrong and then fix it mentality? I guess all we can really do as far as changing all the things that the DHS does wrong, is wait for a new administration. Which is a somewhat scary thought because you never know how wrong things could go in that short amount of time. 

Questions that arouse while reading this article:
1. I'm still very confused as to why the DHS wanted the research center in Mississippi so badly. Why is this?
2. Who would they hire to do the research at this center?
3. What would they/we do with the information gathered at this new facility?

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